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Spidergate Cloud fax_edited.jpg

Cost Effective Cloud Fax via Email & Apps

Easily send & receive cloud fax remotely without a physical fax machine. Say goodbye to busy signals & paper costs.

Why replace your physical fax

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Fax on-the-go remotely

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Receive sensitive documents direct

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Reduce operational costs

Save costs with spidergate cloud fax.png

Eliminate on-premise hardware

Simple yet comprehensive

Cover page editor with PDF auto-conversion

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Archive/ export fax & view fax logs

archive cloud fax & store in singapore cheap cloud fax provider.png

Simultaneous fax forwarding to many emails

singapore cloud fax forwarding to email.png

Filtering of DNC numbers from recipient list 

dnc filtering of sms text message contact list.webp

Wide country destination coverage

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Multi-party alerts for failed & successful faxes

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Save on everything

Save paper costs

No maintenance /paper & toner purchase or costs for a 2nd phone line. Possibility to port existing numbers.

Save the hassle

SpiderGate's cloud fax app automatically retries sending faxes if there are failures, saving you effort.

Save time

Skip having to dial recipients separately & waiting for an established connection, like in normal fax.

Secure & easy to use

High security

Cloud fax encrypts & secures data, as well as allow sensitive documents to be sent direct to you instead of public fax machines.

Less error

Paper faxes are prone to manual error, with faxes being easily displaced or hackers accessing data due to outdated softwares.

Ease of set-up & use

Port over existing numbers easily or buy new ones. Free & automatic software updates. Access all faxes from your email.

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Here's how companies have used us

PropNex Limited.png

"I tried using SpiderGate's cloud fax. I love that there's no commitment or registration hassle. Multiple document formats are supported for faxing. I can also scale easily as activating fax lines only takes a few minutes. It really is a reliable, low cost alternative to my office's traditional fax machine that we used to use. All you need is just an internet connection to send faxes. We've even converted to become their reseller."

Victoria Chua, director in Attiva

Get your affordable cloud fax app today.

✔ Free product demo

✔ No hard selling if you don't need the features

✔ Money back guarantee, no questions asked.

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